Heavenly Pets?
Take, for instance, Colossians 1:20:
"Through the Son, then, God decided to bring the whole universe back to himself. God made peace through his Son's blood on the cross and so brought back to himself all things, both on earth and in heaven." (GNT emphasis mine)
According to this, Jesus’ actions were not just for people but ALL THINGS in the WHOLE UNIVERSE!
Similarly, I’m reminded of various Psalms such as Psalm 148. Note verses 7-10:
"Praise the Lord from the earth, sea monsters and all ocean depths; lightning and hail, snow and clouds, strong winds that obey his command. Praise him, hills and mountains, fruit trees and forests; all animals, tame and wild, reptiles and birds." (GNT, emphasis mine)
June 23, 2008, my cat, Mr. Kitty died. I have no doubt that he praised the Lord. Many a time, I watched him watch sunrises & sunsets with awe. Even more times, when Sandra or I were having bad days, he’d make special efforts to cheer us up, showing us love. Isn’t that what we’re all called to do?
I believe ALL life is sacred, because God brought it ALL into being. All of God’s creation seeks to “obey God’s command.” Thus, God, who is “above all, through all, and in all” (see Ephesians 4:6) seeks to be at one with all creation– even cats like Mr. Kitty.
For some pics of our beloved Mr. Kitty, CLICK HERE!